West Mont has had a big impact on the Helena community by broadening the understanding about the abilities of people with special needs and expanding our services to meet their changing needs. We continue to maintain our strong commitment to develop and provide service options to help them reach their maximum potential.
West Mont is funded in part by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Developmental Disabilities Division. With over 185 employees, we are one of Helena’s larger non-governmental employers. If you are interested in learning more about West Mont or the career opportunities we offer, please contact us.
Our vision is to be a leader in positive changes to the disabilities services system. Through every employee and at every organizational level we will be known for excellence, quality, and creative service delivery. Clients will always be foremost as we look, think, and reach for innovative approaches to improve quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
Our safe, comfortable homes promote independence with West Mont trained staff on-site 24 hours-a-day/7 days-a-week to offer support, training and assistance. For those living on their own, our Supported Living Service staff provides the necessary support with personal hygiene, shopping, food preparation, safety, money management, and household maintenance to help our clients live as independently and safely as possible.
West Mont’s Ron’s Place group home provides compassionate and skilled nursing care for our most medically fragile residents. This allows our clients to stay within the comfort of their West Mont family even as they develop more critical medical issues.
West Mont’s Caldwell House is located adjacent to Ron’s Place. Clients residing here also require frequent access to nursing care and need more attention than what a regular group home environment can provide. Both Ron’s Place and the Caldwell House were also designed and built specifically for those with mobility issues.
West Mont’s Melodee House location offers respite care. Whether for an evening, weekend, or a few days, families/caregivers can rest assured knowing that quality care is being provided for their loved one.