7426 40th St. N
Moorhead, MN 56561
(218) 593-3355
In 2017, after gaining momentum within the organization and excitement within the community - Farm in the Dell of the Red River Valley Farm moved to its current location on a 30-acre plot. Since then, the farm employs 20+ disabled individuals each growing season, and runs a CSA program, providing weekly produce boxes in the summer months for local families wanting to support the mission. Today, Farm in the Dell continues to be a purposeful and impactful place to work and enjoy God's creation.
At Farm in the Dell Red River Valley, our mission is "transforming disabilities into abilities" through purposeful work and the life experience in a community farm setting. We work closely with local families and agencies to connect individuals with purposeful work that fills their spirits, sharpens their minds, and cultivates joy. At the farm our employees find space to discover their abilities and explore their passions.
At the farm, we don't just grow produce. At our core, we serve people with developmental disabilities - adults, young and old, who live with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, etc. who were born with chronic conditions and were dealt a hand in life that no amount of money, hours in the field, or boxfuls of tomatoes will ever erase.
However, what we can provide for the individuals that we serve is LOVE - shown in ways as unique and diverse as our community. We show our love through a paycheck. Through prayer. Through conversations between rows of peas in the field on a sunny day. Through acceptance and friendship. Through making sure that they feel seen, heard, valued, respected, and celebrated every day on the farm.
Community-Supported Agriculture - or CSA - is a model that closely connects produce and consumers within the food system by allowing consumers to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm. By participating in a farm's CSA program, consumers purchase a "share" at the beginning of a growing season, and then, receive freshly picked produce during the harvesting season.